Friday, January 12, 2007

I love being a parent. I love watching my children learn and grow, whether it be things that they learn on their own or things we teach them.

What makes me sad is that I can't remember every little detail. It would be wonderful if I could, cause there are so many that are worthy. This really hitting home as I watch Aaliya achieve things and I think "I have a fuzzy recollection that Owen did that but I can't remember when or where". It'll be the same - as time passes I'll forget the sweet details and it sucks knowing it.

So I am resolving to take time to enjoy the moment, knowing that I'll probably be forgotten, but hopefully retain the general memory of enjoying every little moment....

Such is the journey of being a parent

All these thought come as I watch my baby girl crawl over to something, easily pull herself up to standing and getting into whatever she can. Owen use to do that and amaze us. I can't remember when, how old he was or what particularly he use to get into but I know that we loved every moment

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