Camping trip to Hastings Point - Aussie Day long weekend '07
We went on another camping trip - 2nd one this month. We went to a caravan park just south of Tweeds Heads at Hastings Point called North Star Caravan Park for 3 nights over the Australia Day long weekend. You can check out the place in detail here.
My parents use to take our family there when we were kids. I have vague but fond memories of the place. It had changed a little since I was last there (must be about 20 years ago!)
This place is made for families. It has a shaded playground, an indoor play centre with supervised activities, a great pool with waterslide and shaded toddler pool and a games room. Amenities are nice too and has a good camp kitchen. So all we really needed to take was our accommodation :)
We had a nice time. We went to the pool everyday. Owen is a little cautious of water but enjoyed the toddler pool. Aaliya also started out not liking the water but became quite a water baby by the end of the trip.
I should mention that while we were away Aaliya mastered the crawling and sitting milestone! These things happen so quickly.
We also had friends come and visit us on one day and then Nanna Gregory came and visited us on another. It was a nice relaxing weekend :)
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Pay attention Mum! - Children and food colouring
This is what happens when you don't pay adequate attention when there is food colouring about!
At the time, Owen was saying he was busy making pork chops - or "chalk pops" as he says it.
Aaliya was just having fun getting into whatever she could get her hands on!
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4:02 PM
Labels: family
Monday, January 29, 2007
Wardrobe Refashion '07 - I'm doing it !
I've signed up for the Wardrobe Refashion '07 challenge.
See the pledge in the sidebar..... For more info, check their link here
Basically, no buying new clothes for 6 months. The aim is to try and refashion and recycle existing clothes and pieces of fabric into new things. I've been doing this over the last month or two anyway, so I thought I would have a crack at this challenge.
Anyway, I'll be documenting my attempts at refashioning on this blog :)
Viva le refashionista :)
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4:03 PM
Labels: wardrobe refashion 07
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
My new skirt from upholstery samples :)
Ok, so I listed in my interests section that I'm currently into making reconstructed and recycled clothing.
This is one of my projects. I picked up some fabric sample cards (3 of the same) at reverse garbage for $1 each. They sample cards probably were for choosing fabric for a couch or something.
Anyhow, I took the sample cards apart, washed the fabric, overlocked it together and then used that as a piece of fabric to make a skirt out of. I don't have a pattern for a skirt, I just layed out one of my skirts and just cut it from that - it is a simple A-line skirt.
The material is a little heavy for summer but it will make an awesome autumn or maybe even QLD winter skirt.
Total cost of this skirt was a $3. It also put those sample cards to good use, instead of going in landfill - so bonus points for that
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9:35 AM
Labels: wardrobe refashion 07
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Owen earning his keep...
Owen actually enjoys helping with household tasks. Some of the things that he can do include hanging upwashing, drying cups with a tea towel, he puts all his dirty dishes in the sink when he is finished with them (he has plastic bowls and cups) and his latest thing now is to wipe things down with a cloth
We certainly don't discourage him. At first, while he is learning to do something it can be a little frustrating as things can take three times as long to do, but once he gets the hang of it, it's actually a help. Not only is he contributing, but he is staying occupied long enough for us to get things done too
To help Owen help us, we have set up an Owen size washing line and we have placed pictures on his drawers so he know where everything goes....
Not bad for a two year old!
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9:43 AM
Labels: family
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Owen's favourites toys by far is a little ukulele that he was given when Aaliya was born. He has pretty much played with it for 8 months straight.
Owen's biggest influence is Murray Wiggle but he also takes inspiration from a guy we watch at the Rocklea Markets when we do our fruit and vege shopping.
I'm sure if Owen understood the concept, if we asked him what he would like to be when he grew up, he would want to be a guitar player in a band.
Here are some photos:
1. One if of Owen sitting on a chair, singing into a microphone just like the guy at the markets.
2. Owen making our family into a little band, with Owen featuring on drums, mum on guitar and Aaliya as lead singer
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9:47 AM
Labels: family
Friday, January 12, 2007
I love being a parent. I love watching my children learn and grow, whether it be things that they learn on their own or things we teach them.
What makes me sad is that I can't remember every little detail. It would be wonderful if I could, cause there are so many that are worthy. This really hitting home as I watch Aaliya achieve things and I think "I have a fuzzy recollection that Owen did that but I can't remember when or where". It'll be the same - as time passes I'll forget the sweet details and it sucks knowing it.
So I am resolving to take time to enjoy the moment, knowing that I'll probably be forgotten, but hopefully retain the general memory of enjoying every little moment....
Such is the journey of being a parent
All these thought come as I watch my baby girl crawl over to something, easily pull herself up to standing and getting into whatever she can. Owen use to do that and amaze us. I can't remember when, how old he was or what particularly he use to get into but I know that we loved every moment
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9:50 AM
Labels: family
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Hervey Bay Camping Trip
It was the first time we have been camping with the kids and it was a great success. We lived in comfort (thanks to a caravan park with good facilities) and the weather stayed relatively fine. The only things was that the children were a bit out of sorts - they were both teething (Owen was getting his 2yo molars).
Anyway, we had and blast, Owen enjoyed the fact that there were other kids around to play with/watch. the beach at Hervey Bay is lovely and gentle, being sheltered by Fraser Island. And it didn't cost us a packet to spend eight nights on holiday....
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9:51 AM
Labels: family
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Happy New Year!
Ok, I'm going to write down our New Years resolutions with the hope that it will keep us motivated and honest
1. Well, we are going to be greener. We are going to reduce our energy consumption. We have watched "An Inconvinient Truth" and read a book called "The Simple Life" and have been given a lot of good ideas about how we can do this without changing our lives in a big way. Lots of small changes should add up significanty.
2. We are going to learn how to grow and then EAT at least one vegetable. I am hoping for something leafy and green, but we'll see how we go. We had a go at a little vege garden last year and while it was fun, we didn't really get a successful end stage, that is eating it.
3. Kara is going to start her own business.... She IS going to DO IT and sooner rather than later Mind you it isn't going to rule my life and if it gets too much I'll pull the plug - family comes first...
4. Get ourselves organised. Get the house organised. The everlasting New Years resolution. Don't know how we can prove it, but I can tell you that we are better than we were this time last year, but there is still a lot of room for improvement .
There might be more, but I can't think of them right now. Will update as needed. But here is to a good year
Posted by
9:57 AM