So we are considering our options for schooling the kids.
It's hard to choose what we are going to do.
Homeschooling is certainly an option, purely for the large number of benefits that the kids would get. Though we are not sure as it is a big committment from us.
Mainstream school system, both public and private, leave a lot to be desired. Doesn't take much reading or research to come to that conclusion. However, it does work for some kids, maybe even ours, so we don't know (yet).
Then there are alternative schools - Steiner and Montessori schools.
It's a big decision, and we are looking at all the options. I guess we have a little bit of time up our sleeves :)
Here's a pic of the kids doing some "work". Owen is doing a pre-handwriting exercise (pen control) that we printed off the net, Aaliya is just doing some drawing, so she can be like her big brother.