Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Kids Developments

For the first time in quite a few weeks, everyone in The Harding Tribe are relatively well (i.e., free from sickness). Yay!!!

Thought I would document a couple of the kids developments.

Owen (21mths) is absolutely obsessed with the Wiggles, however he does seem to be learning from them. He now knows his colours, though he doesn't refer to colours by their name, rather by corresponding Wiggle. But considering he refers to each Wiggle by a trait or interest, then it can all get quite abstract to outsiders. Doesn't matter, makes perfect sense to us!

For example, if something is yellow, Owen will sign 'sing' because the Wiggle that sings (Greg) wears the yellow shirt. If something is purple, Owen will yell his version of "Wake up Jeff" because Jeff, who wears the purple shirt, is always falling asleep and is woken up by the other Wiggles.....

Very smart our boy is!

Aaliya is almost 8 weeks old. We are starting to get a lot of smiles from her. She has also been discovering her hand - which is amusing because as she tried to gain some control of her arm movements, she can end up clocking herself in the face! We love watching her grow up!

We'll keep you updated on the kids developments.....

Monday, July 10, 2006

Time for some photo's!!!

Our gorgeous darling Owen at 20mths old
Our darling Aaliya at exactly 1 month old
Kara and Aaliya

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Aaliya hasn't done a poo in a coule of days.... I was asking her when she was going to do a crap. I looked over at Owen and he was doing the sign for "crab". He obviously doesn't know what crap is and went for the closest sounding word that he does know.

I just found out that if you read "poo" on a thai menu, then it is referring to crab - maybe Owen just is super intelligent and translating for me!

In any case, I'll have to watch my language.....