The only reason I'm starting this blog is that I have a little free time due to illness. Sounds morbid, doesn't it!
How about I introduce the members of The Harding Tribe....
Stuart is the eldest male in the Harding Tribe. He is the bread winner (a computer systems engineer), a wonderful husband to Kara and the best daddy around according to Owen and Aaliya. Stuart's interests are his babies, his wife, finding a topic to be obsessed and passionate about (e.g., rampant consumerism, homeschooling) and the occasional chance to tinker, either with a bike, or the budget software. If Stuart had the time, he would play computer games (but he doesn't have the time....).
Kara is the matriarch of the family. She is the cook, cleaner, babysitter, courier, ironing lady, ordering manager (ensures that there are sufficent supplies of food and other consumables in the house). While she attempts to complete all the above listed positions to the best of her ability, there is often room for improvement in all areas. Kara's interests are her babies, keeping some resemblance of a social life and jumping on her soapbox about birth choices. If Kara had any spare time, she wouldn't know what to do with it! She would probably sit on her arse and marvel in the fact that occasionally you can do nothing....
Owen is the eldest child in the Harding Tribe. He has been a wonderful teacher for Kara and Stu in regards to what needs to be truly cherished in life. He has taught us numerous lessons in love, patience, understanding and staying calm under trying conditions (including sleep deprivation!) Owen's interests are The Wiggles, watering plants, The Wiggles, doing puzzles, having mum and dad draw numerous pages of multi-coloured fish, and The Wiggles.
Aaliya is the newest member of the Harding Tribe. We are all still getting to know her. Aaliya's interests so far are boobies and pooping. She is currently deciding on whether sleeping is one of her interests (she will sleep well some days, and not so well other days). She is adored and loved by all other Harding Tribe members, including Owen. Welcome Aaliya.