Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Thought I would document a couple of the kids developments.
Owen (21mths) is absolutely obsessed with the Wiggles, however he does seem to be learning from them. He now knows his colours, though he doesn't refer to colours by their name, rather by corresponding Wiggle. But considering he refers to each Wiggle by a trait or interest, then it can all get quite abstract to outsiders. Doesn't matter, makes perfect sense to us!
For example, if something is yellow, Owen will sign 'sing' because the Wiggle that sings (Greg) wears the yellow shirt. If something is purple, Owen will yell his version of "Wake up Jeff" because Jeff, who wears the purple shirt, is always falling asleep and is woken up by the other Wiggles.....
Very smart our boy is!
Aaliya is almost 8 weeks old. We are starting to get a lot of smiles from her. She has also been discovering her hand - which is amusing because as she tried to gain some control of her arm movements, she can end up clocking herself in the face! We love watching her grow up!
We'll keep you updated on the kids developments.....
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7:24 AM
Labels: family
Monday, July 10, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Aaliya hasn't done a poo in a coule of days.... I was asking her when she was going to do a crap. I looked over at Owen and he was doing the sign for "crab". He obviously doesn't know what crap is and went for the closest sounding word that he does know.
I just found out that if you read "poo" on a thai menu, then it is referring to crab - maybe Owen just is super intelligent and translating for me!
In any case, I'll have to watch my language.....
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2:33 PM
Labels: family
Monday, June 26, 2006
Now that The Harding Tribe has been introduced, time to start with.....
Stuart and Aaliya are well so far (although who knows how they will be in a couple of days???). Aaliya has been feeding constantly, making sure that mummy's milk supply does not dip too much while mummy is ill.
But, let's look at the positive. It has given me the chance to start this blog, and hopefully keep a running record of The Harding Tribe's family life.
Upcoming adventures will include our move to the townhouse we have recently purchased. We are looking forward to living there, but not neccesarily to actually moving. Other adventures will include "Can Kara keep the satisfactorily clean and tidy and keep her sanity!". We'll see how that one goes! Also the day to day advetures of Owen and Aaliya as they go through their amazing growing, learning and developing.
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2:01 PM
Labels: family
Hi from the Harding Tribe
The only reason I'm starting this blog is that I have a little free time due to illness. Sounds morbid, doesn't it!
How about I introduce the members of The Harding Tribe....
Stuart is the eldest male in the Harding Tribe. He is the bread winner (a computer systems engineer), a wonderful husband to Kara and the best daddy around according to Owen and Aaliya. Stuart's interests are his babies, his wife, finding a topic to be obsessed and passionate about (e.g., rampant consumerism, homeschooling) and the occasional chance to tinker, either with a bike, or the budget software. If Stuart had the time, he would play computer games (but he doesn't have the time....).
Kara is the matriarch of the family. She is the cook, cleaner, babysitter, courier, ironing lady, ordering manager (ensures that there are sufficent supplies of food and other consumables in the house). While she attempts to complete all the above listed positions to the best of her ability, there is often room for improvement in all areas. Kara's interests are her babies, keeping some resemblance of a social life and jumping on her soapbox about birth choices. If Kara had any spare time, she wouldn't know what to do with it! She would probably sit on her arse and marvel in the fact that occasionally you can do nothing....
Owen is the eldest child in the Harding Tribe. He has been a wonderful teacher for Kara and Stu in regards to what needs to be truly cherished in life. He has taught us numerous lessons in love, patience, understanding and staying calm under trying conditions (including sleep deprivation!) Owen's interests are The Wiggles, watering plants, The Wiggles, doing puzzles, having mum and dad draw numerous pages of multi-coloured fish, and The Wiggles.
Aaliya is the newest member of the Harding Tribe. We are all still getting to know her. Aaliya's interests so far are boobies and pooping. She is currently deciding on whether sleeping is one of her interests (she will sleep well some days, and not so well other days). She is adored and loved by all other Harding Tribe members, including Owen. Welcome Aaliya.
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1:22 PM
Labels: family